LED Lighting Workshop


Whilst participating in the LED Lighting Workshops, we took the opportunity to rehearse some of our interviews and practice our set ups for shot types for interviews, as well as testing out LED lighting. At first, we decided to go with browner hues on our lighting set up to contrast our very bright location we were shooting in. There were a lot of white walls and windows so we thought at first that if we went for a standard white light, it wouldn’t make much change and it would just blend into the rest of the background.

However, upon further notice we realised it just made a very clashing contrast with the rest of the shot, so therefore, we changed it to a standard white LED light and contrary to what we thought, it worked and actually made the interviewee pop out a lot better in the rest of the frame.

In the first workshop however it took us the majority of time we had to set up, so by the end of it, we only had about 5 minutes of footage shot. But this was also our first time back together in the studio in a long time, so we put this down to us just relearning and remembering all of the skills with the equipment we previously had done.

So, in the next shoot we made sure not to make the same mistake again and it did help that the location we filmed that workshop in was similar to the original one. We also had to adjust the amount of daylight coming through the windows, which faced the direction of which we were filming. This would have made the shot very over exposed, but we were sensible and dropped the blinds and ended up getting this very consistent in lighting set up.

Here is the overall much better and more well defined shot we got in that same following workshop.


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